Thursday, September 12, 2024

XBOX controller and Connection issues

Have you experienced some annoying issues with your Xbox controller where it wouldn’t connect to your devices or you have had issues with it disconnecting via bluetooth or even usb?

Welp, today was that day for me. My controller would no longer connect to my gaming laptop. To preface this, I had to reimage my computer due to some issues with a windows update that buggered the drivers. I reinstalled Windows 11, added my apps back to the PC games and all. When I went to actually connect my Xbox controller, It would not connect. It would show up in the list then also say it can’t connect.

I think I tried just about everything to get it to work. I tried adding via usb but the controller wasn’t recognized. I looked online to find that the other suggestion was to reimage using windows media creation to update windows. I then restored to updating or downloading the drivers directly to the computer that was suggested online. That also didn’t work. I checked and made sure I could actually connect another bluetooth device to windows like my phone, which connected just fine ,no issues. I disconnected wifi and also entered safe mode to verify I could actually add or update drivers in safe mode. Still the controller would not work. I tried connecting the controller to my mobile phone and nada.

You know what the final thing I did that actually then enabled it to work? (Maybe this was a coincidence but seemingly worked) I found an old generic controller I bought online for $10 and connected it. NO problem! It works with the games, nothing else needed right. Now while I had the other controller connected I then connected the Xbox controller. What the heck is happening??? It now works and connects. You would think the $60 controller would not have so many issues connecting but alas, the cheaper built controller has the win on this one.